var gameField = [ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ]; // TODO: Random Turns at beginning. var turn = 1; let cells = []; let scoreX = 0; let scoreO = 0; let unableToPlay = false; const winner = [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], ]; function init() { cells = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("cell")); //Needs to be done this way and not in a loop because of event bubbling. document.getElementById("cell-0").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(0); }); document.getElementById("cell-1").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(1); }); document.getElementById("cell-2").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(2); }); document.getElementById("cell-3").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(3); }); document.getElementById("cell-4").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(4); }); document.getElementById("cell-5").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(5); }); document.getElementById("cell-6").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(6); }); document.getElementById("cell-7").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(7); }); document.getElementById("cell-8").addEventListener("click", function () { clickEvent(8); }); } function startGame() { gameField = [ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ]; document.getElementById("outputResult").innerHTML = ""; unableToPlay = false; for (cell of cells) { = "#131313"; } drawBoard(); } function checkWinner() { for (let item of winner) { let winningRowValue = 0; item.forEach((val) => (winningRowValue += getCellValueByIndex(val))); if (winningRowValue == 3) { document.getElementById("outputResult").innerHTML = "P1 won."; increaseXScore(); item.forEach( (val) => (document.getElementById("cell-" + val).style.backgroundColor = "#2274A5") ); unableToPlay = true; return 1; } else if (winningRowValue == -3) { document.getElementById("outputResult").innerHTML = "P2 won."; increaseOScore(); item.forEach( (val) => (document.getElementById("cell-" + val).style.backgroundColor = "#F58549") ); unableToPlay = true; return -1; } } if (checkIfGamefieldIsFull()) { document.getElementById("outputResult").innerHTML = "Tie."; return 0; } return 0; } function increaseXScore() { scoreX += 1; document.getElementById("scoreLabel").innerHTML = "X " + scoreX + ":" + scoreO + " O"; } function increaseOScore() { scoreO += 1; document.getElementById("scoreLabel").innerHTML = "X " + scoreX + ":" + scoreO + " O"; } function checkIfGamefieldIsFull() { //let includesZero = true; let calculationResult = true; gameField.forEach((row) => { let includeResult = row.includes(0); if (includeResult) { calculationResult = false; } }); return calculationResult; } function clickEvent(index) { let cellIndex = index; let arrayIndex = translateToMultiDimensionalIndex(cellIndex); let rowIndex2 = arrayIndex[0]; let columnIndex2 = arrayIndex[1]; if (gameField[rowIndex2][columnIndex2] == 0 && !unableToPlay) { columnIndex = cellIndex; gameField[rowIndex2][columnIndex2] = turn; switchTurn(); drawBoard(); checkWinner(); } } function getCellValueByIndex(index) { let cellArray = translateToMultiDimensionalIndex(index); return gameField[cellArray[0]][cellArray[1]]; } function translateToMultiDimensionalIndex(index) { let rowIndex = 0; let columnIndex = 0; let cellIndex = index; while (cellIndex >= 3) { rowIndex++; cellIndex -= 3; } columnIndex = cellIndex; return [Number(rowIndex), Number(columnIndex)]; } function switchTurn() { if (turn == 1) { turn = -1; } else if (turn == -1) { turn = 1; } } function drawBoard() { for (cell of cells) { let renderedValue = ""; let cellValue = getCellValueByIndex(cell.getAttribute("cell-index")); if (cellValue == 1) { renderedValue = "X"; } else if (cellValue == -1) { renderedValue = "O"; } cell.innerHTML = renderedValue; } }